Are you following these 9 crucial CSM habits?

Discover Game-Changing Strategies to Rock Your Customer Success Game with my FREE Guide!

Do you want to stand out and not feel like just another CSM in the crowd?

You've got the skills, the passion, and the drive. Still, amidst the sea of CSMs, you might be feeling like you're not standing out as much as you'd like.


Whether you're new to the role and finding your way, or you've been a CSM for a while but feel stuck, you might be wondering if there's something you're missing out and others know about....


Let's change that.


Being an excellent CSM isn't just about ticking off tasks, being friendly on a call, responding to emails faster or knowing the ins and outs of your platform. It’s about HABITS. The little things we do day in and day out that add up to big results.


Habits that resonate with client expectations, drive real results for your business and make you indispensable amongst your team members. That’s the difference between just "doing the job" and being the 'go-to' CSM pro.

The good news? You can learn these habits!


You can become a top talent. An A player others want to hire for their team. With the right guidance and commitment, you can form new habits, and become the CSM everyone looks up to (while taking care of your wellbeing and not working nights or weekends!) That's precisely what my guide is here for. 


In the FREE "9 Habits of Highly Successful CSMs" guide, you’ll discover the core habits that set exceptional CSMs apart. From establishing personal productivity to developing a growth mindset, you'll form habits that make you a CSM others can't do without.

Grab Your Free Guide Today

You already have what it takes to set some fresh CSM standards!

Be the CSM that clients can always count on and genuinely enjoy working with

Get tips for increasing your personal productivity and maximizing your time without feeling overwhelmed

Level up as 'promotion material' with easy steps that effortlessly demonstrate your leadership skills

What you'll find out in this must-have guide: 

  • How to keep on discovering the 'why' of your customers 
  • Tips for reading the room for better connections
  • Crafting a narrative with data that really hits home
  • Personal productivity hacks every CSM should know
  • Increasing your influence in cross-departmental collaborations
  • Steps for becoming a product expert
  • Adopting a coaching mindset to increase adoption and impact 
  • Tips for bringing positive vibes so others want to work with you and do things for you
  • Learn leadership habits that inspire, bring teams together and elevate you as a leader (even without a title!)

Hi, I'm Marija Skobe-Pilley! 

Customer Success Strategist, Coach & Founder of Women in Customer Success

Entering the world of Customer Success from music, I always felt a need to 'compensate' for an 'untraditional' background. I've done it by soaking up every certification, learning, and mentoring I could. Just to learn more and become the best in class.

After being promoted in every company I've worked for, I established myself as a leader and achieved many personal career goals. 

Now I've realised my fulfilment lies in helping others steer their CSM career with confidence. 

In my career, I've worked with some most brilliant people and companies. I've led high-performing teams working with a product that is used by 85 million people worldwide. 

I've experienced and seen what brilliant CSMs do, how they approach their conversations, their time and team peer relationships.  

There's one common thing I noticed about Customer Success professionals: every single amazing CSM want to do what is best for their customers.

However, often the efforts are not seen or recognised by others. Challenges and 'lows' seem to be more visible and noticeable than successes and great results. 

That's why I've put together this free guide, loaded with hands-on strategies to help you become an outstanding CSM that others will applaud for your achievements.   

Let's get to work. 

Hey, I'm Marija Skobe-Pilley!

Customer Success Career Strategist | Community Builder | Passionate Podcaster

With years of hard-earned experience and achieving excellence in Customer Success, I've found that the key to fulfillment isn’t just about personal achievements.

It’s about ensuring others can empower their career growth with confidence.

I get it — the journey to career success isn’t always straight.  It’s filled with challenges and uncertainties. Despite your hard work, you might find yourself lost — searching for ways to excel in your role. 


That’s why I’ve created this free guide packed with specialized strategies to help you realize your full potential in Customer Success.


Let’s navigate this path together.

Become the Star CSM with These Proven Habits

Download Your Career-Changing Guide Now